Warmed special shoes: how to choose

Even in relatively warm winters, people who work outdoors or in poorly heated warehouses need special insulated footwear, and the current winter does not promise to be warm. Frostbite of the feet is a common injury in the winter season, and it can end in long-term disability, and most work professions do not involve high activity, and without insulated work shoes can't do without
What makes insulated special shoes different from everyday ones
More requirements are placed on winter special shoes than on ordinary insulated boots and shoes, since its main task is to prevent industrial risks associated with the specifics of the employees' activities. In buildings, this is the fall of heavy objects on the foot and the possibility of punctures of the sole when stepping on nails, for workers in the oil-producing industries it is important that the sole is protected from oils, etc.
In other words, insulated special shoes must meet the following criteria:
- Full compliance of the degree of protection with the level of threat that may be faced by personnel at the workplace.
- A thick grooved sole that will not slip not only on oils and gasoline, but also on ice. The material of the sole of the special footwear must be resistant to caustic chemicals, petroleum products, solvents, etc.
- Low weight. In heavy special shoes, it is difficult for workers to spend the whole day on their feet, besides, it worsens coordination.
- High strength and wear resistance of materials. High-quality insulated special shoes are sewn from genuine leather, which withstands temperature changes, contact with aggressive chemicals and does not lose its appearance after one season.
Special shoes made of composite leather are cheaper, but such material does not pass air well, feet sweat and freeze even in boots and shoes with high-quality insulation, so it performs its direct task much worse.
Recommendations for choosing insulated special shoes: what should be taken into account first of all
In the catalog of the Yuasafeti store, there is a large selection of safety shoes and boots suitable for winter wear. Modern insulated PPE for the feet is nothing like the bulky, shapeless kurze boots that workers had to wear in the last century - now they are light and stylish models that are visually no less than fashionable everyday shoes.
But, of course, appearance is not the main characteristic of special shoes. First of all, it should protect against potential risks, so you need to take into account the level of shock energy absorption in the area of the spot, the presence of a toe box that will protect the foot from falling heavy objects. If contact with electric current is possible, it is necessary to buy insulated special shoes with antistatic soles.
It is better to take special shoes half a size larger - fasteners or laces will still allow you to firmly fix them on the foot, but by the evening, when the feet swell, such shoes or boots will not compress the feet and block the blood flow, due to which the feet would freeze even more.
Despite the fact that special footwear is a means of personal protection, it is usually purchased in bulk for production, the same for all employees. That is why modern manufacturers of special shoes, such as Triarma, Exena, Giasco, develop the most universal models so that they sit comfortably on the foot of any shape, regardless of the level of elevation of the width of the foot. But it is still important to remember that if shoes or boots cause discomfort, they must be changed, because uncomfortable special shoes, instead of protection, can cause leg injuries.